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Working Toward Ending the HIV Epidemic: Progress or Stagnation?

Watch this dynamic panel discussion from the CCO HIV annual meeting on the plan for ending the US HIV epidemic, from early diagnosis through rapid response to potential outbreaks.

Released: October 28, 2020

Expiration: October 27, 2021


Provided by

Provided by University of South Florida
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Supported by an educational grant from

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

ViiV Healthcare

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
  • Critically evaluate current and future HIV prevention strategies
  • Integrate strategies to expand testing for early HIV diagnosis
  • Apply the results of recent clinical studies and evolving treatment guidelines on the timing of first-line ART

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS

Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease
Department of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York

Michelle S. Cespedes, MD, MS, has disclosed that she has received consulting fees from Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare.

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH

Director, UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
Professor of Medicine and Associate Chief, Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine
Medical Director, “Ward 86” HIV Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
San Francisco, California

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

David A. Wohl, MD

Professor of Medicine
School of Medicine
Site Leader, Global Clinical Trials Unit-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

David A. Wohl, MD, has disclosed that he has received funds for research support from Gilead Sciences, Merck, and ViiV and consulting fees from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, Merck, and ViiV.

Staff Disclosure


Jennifer M. Blanchette, Ph.D.

Clinical Editor
Clinical Care Options, LLC

Jennifer M. Blanchette, PhD, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Megan Cartwright, PhD

Senior Clinical Editor

Megan Cartwright, PhD, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Tiffany Hensley-McBain, PhD

Clinical Editor

Tiffany Hensley-McBain, PhD, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Edward King, M.A.

Vice President, Editorial
Clinical Care Options, LLC

Edward King, MA, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Kiran Mir-Hudgeons, PhD

Clinical Editor

Kiran D. Mir-Hudgeons, PhD, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Anna Poppa

Managing Editor, HIV
Clinical Care Options, LLC

Anna Poppa has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Julie Skowronski, FNP-BC

Julie Skowronski, FNP-BC, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.