ProCE Banner Activity

My Take on Patient–Healthcare Professional Goal Setting in IBD

Clinical Thought

Partnering for goal setting in IBD is associated with improved outcomes. Read this expert commentary from a gastroenterologist who is also a patient with IBD to get his unique perspective on the subject.

Released: August 29, 2022

Expiration: August 28, 2023



This activity is supported by a grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

This activity is supported by educational grants from Amgen; and Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Provided by

ProCE Banner



Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Target Audience

NPs and PAs


Jordan Axelrad, MD, MPH: consultant/advisor/speaker: AbbVie, Adiso, BioFire Diagnostics, Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, Pfizer; researcher: BioFire Diagnostics.

None of the members of the Planning Committee or PCE staff have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.



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Program Medium

This program has been made available online.