Long-Acting PrEP: Strategies to Support PrEP Persistence and Reengagement

Released: January 10, 2024


Course Completed

In this episode, Sarah M. Wood, MD, MS, discusses data and recommendations for long-acting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a strategy to support PrEP persistence and engagement for adolescents, including:

  • The PrEP care continuum for adolescents
  • System barriers to PrEP coverage and privacy concerns for adolescents
  • The benefits and challenges of same-day PrEP initiation and real-world data to support it
  • Interventions to support PrEP persistence
  • PrEP options for different populations and the data to support the efficacy of long-acting cabotegravir (CAB) PrEP from HPTN 083 and HPTN 084
  • Data and recommendations for a CAB PrEP oral lead-in
  • Data from HPTN 083 showing no interaction between feminizing hormone therapy and long-acting CAB PrEP
  • Project LifeSkills: a culturally specific, empowerment-based, group-delivered behavioral HIV prevention intervention for young transgender women