Paths to Elimination: Simplifying Screening and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis in Priority Populations

Hear from experts on strategies to improve screening rates and apply guideline-concordant care in people with viral hepatitis. Through dedicated program tracks, learn how to (1) improve engagement in HBV care for priority populations (eg, Asian people, African immigrants), and (2) provide HCV care in nontraditional settings (eg, addiction medicine and sexual/reproductive health clinics). Reinforce your learning through expert-authored ClinicalThought commentaries, on-demand webcasts, a downloadable resource, downloadable slides, and podcasts.


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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, in partnership with the Asian Health Foundation, Hepatitis B Foundation, and HealthHCV.


Supported by an educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.



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Health HCV

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Hepatitis B Foundation

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