Neo/Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Resectable Melanoma: Implementing Novel and Emerging Strategies to Improve Outcomes in Community Practice

Learn about current guidelines and evidence for immunotherapy to treat patients with resectable melanoma, with a focus on the (neo)adjuvant setting for stage IIB/C disease and strategies for integrating these expert recommendations and shared decision-making into your clinical practice through a downloadable living slideset and patient resource toolkit.

Follow this link to find a guide that will help your patients and their families explore common questions about stage II melanoma with you, including therapy eligibility, the pros and cons of adjuvant therapy vs active surveillance, and factors to consider when making treatment decisions.


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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, in partnership with AIM at Melanoma Foundation.


Supported by an educational grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Bristol Myers Squibb


AIM at Melanoma Foundation

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