Optimal Strategy for CMV Prevention in HCT


Reducing the Burden of Cytomegalovirus in HCT: Optimal Strategy for Prevention

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Nurse Practitioners: 1.00 Nursing contact hours, includes 1.00 hour of pharmacotherapy credit

Released: July 21, 2023

Expiration: July 20, 2024


Course Completed

Risk Factors for CMV Development After HCT

The risk for CMV reactivation and disease generally is higher among patients who are CMV seropositive prior to allo-HCT, as the immunosuppressive aspects of the HCT process trigger latent CMV to reactivate. Recipient seropositivity is the most important predictor of post-transplantation CMV risk, and without prophylaxis, up to 80% of seropositive patients may develop CMV reactivation after transplantation.1,7 

All patients should be tested for latent CMV by serology using immunoglobulin G (IgG) prior to transplant.7 CMV status is classified as a primary infection, active infection, seropositive, or reactivated as below:

  • Primary infection: new CMV infection in an individual previously seronegative for CMV
  • Seropositive: Latent infection defined as presence of CMV-specific IgG in the absence of active viral replication7,11 
  • Reactivation: Development of detectable virus in blood after a period of latent seropositivity; reactivation is not the equivalent of primary CMV infection7

Risk factors for CMV infection or reactivation after transplant include low lymphocytes count. Presence of CD4+ T-cells <50/mL at 3 months after transplant is a risk factor for development of late-onset CMV disease.6 Other factors that increase risk are listed in Table  2.7

Table 2. Risk Factors for CMV Infection and Disease After Allo-HCT7

Which of these is an important risk factor for CMV reactivation in the first 30 days after allo-HCT?