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Stay ahead in the evolving world of healthcare with The Exchange, a blog for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Associates (PAs). Explore invaluable insights curated from NPs and PAs, offering thought-provoking commentaries on essential topics for your practice. From evolving guidelines to career-oriented advice, The Exchange provides the latest and most important perspectives. Sign up to access important healthcare trends and advice, empowering you to navigate the healthcare landscape confidently.

COVID-19 Expands PA/NP Autonomy...and Scope of Pra ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has been but one justification for expanding PA and NP autonomy in some states. In New York, Gover ...

Filed under: Health Policy and Trends, Practice Management/Career

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Would You Volunteer to Enroll in a COVID-19 Vaccin ...

There are more than 160 COVID-19 vaccines currently in development, with the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca AZD1222 va ...

Filed under: Allergy/Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Public Health

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Uses of Anti-CCP in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

A young woman presents for evaluation of joint pain in both wrists and hands and swelling of one knee. Her history and p ...

Filed under: Rheumatology

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2020 ACR Gout Guidelines for Allopurinol Have Chan ...

Gout is the most common type of inflammatory arthritis in both men and women in the United States. Allopurinol is common ...

Filed under: Rheumatology

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Asthma Q&A With Dr Kurtis Elward: Part 2

PCE recently held our Series 1 Live Stream events. During the Live Streams, attendees have the chance to ask expert facu ...

Filed under: Allergy/Immunology, Pulmonary Medicine

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Asthma Q&A With Dr Kurtis Elward: Part 1

PCE recently held our Series 1 Live Stream events. During the Live Streams, attendees have the chance to ask expert facu ...

Filed under: Allergy/Immunology, Pulmonary Medicine

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Breastfeeding and Coronavirus: My Experience From ...

One of the challenging features of COVID-19 is its ability to sweep through families. In my experience, this is more pre ...

Filed under: Infectious Diseases, Public Health, Women's Health

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Coronavirus Transmission and Superspreading Events ...

Across the United States, businesses are starting to open under government-guided restrictions. The reopening guidelines ...

Filed under: Infectious Diseases, Public Health

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Hyponatremia and Alcoholism

"Beer potomania" is a syndrome used to describe patients who present with hyponatremia along with a history of excessive ...

Filed under: Neurology, Substance Abuse

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