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Stay ahead in the evolving world of healthcare with The Exchange, a blog for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Associates (PAs). Explore invaluable insights curated from NPs and PAs, offering thought-provoking commentaries on essential topics for your practice. From evolving guidelines to career-oriented advice, The Exchange provides the latest and most important perspectives. Sign up to access important healthcare trends and advice, empowering you to navigate the healthcare landscape confidently.

The Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease

The Mediterranean diet represents the most notable overall dietary pattern in nutritional epidemiology that has been ext ...

Filed under: Public Health

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Advanced Practice Providers and Liability Risk

It is a misconception that advanced practice providers (APPs) can't get sued because any errors are a physician's respon ...

Filed under: Health Policy and Trends, NPs & PAs, Practice Management/Career

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National Stop the Bleed Month

Did you know that May 2019 is the first-ever National Stop the Bleed Month? Also, May 23 is the second annual Stop the B ...

Filed under: Health Policy and Trends, Miscellaneous, Preventive Medicine, Public Health

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Lower Cholesterol - The Natural Way

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 95 million US adults aged 20 or older have total cholestero ...

Filed under: Preventive Medicine

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Procalcitonin Levels in the Management of COPD Exa ...

The use of procalcitonin-based protocols to guide the decision to administer antibiotics has been evaluated in infection ...

Filed under: Infectious Diseases, Pulmonary Medicine

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Hypertension in the Pediatric Population

The prevalence of systemic hypertension (HTN) in the pediatric population is now commonly observed to be increasing, esp ...

Filed under: Cardiometabolic, Health Policy and Trends, Preventive Medicine

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It's a Digital World: Screen Time Recommendations ...

We definitely live in a different day and age than when I was a child... As children, my siblings and I just opened the ...

Filed under: Miscellaneous, Preventive Medicine, Public Health

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Using Policy to Impact HPV Vaccine Rates

For more than 10 years we have had a safe and effective vaccine that can prevent several types of cancer. I understand t ...

Filed under: Health Policy and Trends, Infectious Diseases, Preventive Medicine, Women's Health

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Measles Outbreak - A Public Health Concern

The modern world was turned upside down in 1997 when researcher Andrew Wakefield suggested there was a direct correlatio ...

Filed under: Infectious Diseases, Preventive Medicine, Public Health

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